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Fingerless Gloves - Glitter Bat

Fingerless Gloves – Glitter Bat

Our Price: $7.95

Reg Price: $10.00

Fingerless Gloves – Glitter Bat
Whether you want to be a villain or a specific kind of vixen, you can do no wrong with Fingerless Gloves! But, you might do some harm, as others will sting with envy that they didn”t think of the Glitter Bat Fingerless Gloves to top off their Halloween costumes.

These out of the ordinary Glitter Bat Fingerless Gloves come with a glitter bat appliquĊ½, to add to their charm and appeal. Now the hard part is to decide if you want to add scary blood to your face and which costume to pick. We have so many costumes that could be worn with these gloves; you will have a field day in the decision making process!

Fingerless Gloves – Glitter Bat Details:

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