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Apocalypse Dreads Wig

Apocalypse Dreads Wig

Our Price: $26.95

Reg Price: $33.00

Apocalypse Dreads Wig
The Black/White Victorian Wig is the height of fashion of the era when the sun never set on the British Empire, vampires ruled the mean streets of London, and croup was a death sentence.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this beauty of a wig harkens back to a time of great style, but without any of the pitfalls like chimney sickness and Charles Dickens novels. Whether going out this Halloween as a courtier of Queen Victoria”s court or one of Dracula”s dear friends, the Black/White Victorian Wig will deliver.

Apocalypse Dreads Wig Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme Wigs


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