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Adult Mob Boss Costume

Adult Mob Boss Costume

Our Price: $59.95

Reg Price: $70.00

Adult Mob Boss Costume
Give Halloween an offer it can”t refuse with the Adult Mob Boss Costume! Mob up in style! No matter if you pine for the days when crooked contractors built America or the juiced-up 1980″s or the double-crossing, accented criminals of today, this costume has you covered. The only thing we”re not omerta about is how create this baby looks!

This outfit comes with a double-breasted, pinstriped jacket, matching pants, a shirt with tie, and, of course, suspenders (so as the weight of your heater won”t pants you accidentally). Yes, guys and dolls, the Adult Mob Boss Costume is as good as it gets. Oh, what else did I miss? Badda bing, badda boom! Yeah. That”s good stuff.

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