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Mens Hippie Dude Costume

Mens Hippie Dude Costume

Our Price: $44.95

Reg Price: $55.00

Mens Hippie Dude Costume
If you pine for the Summer of Love, un-ironic psychedelia, and a generally relaxed attitude towards employment and national service, then it”s going to be hard to better than the Mens Hippie Dude Costume (that is if “better” or “worse” weren”t, like, concepts made up by the Man to keep us down). You don”t even need the VW bus or the weeks without showering to get the look right, either! It comes complete with everything you need!

Look at all this, this vast bounty of freakiness, man! It”s got a tye-die shirts, a fringe vest (the 60″s being the fringiest and more fringed-out of all decades since Davie Crockett died) , purple pants, and, most importantly, a bandana to let everyone know that, hey, man, you”re cool. If you love the 60″s, if you love counter-culture, if you love a simple and fun costume, then it”s go to for sure be the Mens Hippie Dude Costume. Can you dig it?

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